Financial Literary with Ajee Jones

Financial Literary with Ajee Jones

But I'm a Mom First is recognizing moms who are making it happen and I had the opportunity to discuss financial literacy and motherhood with Ajee’ Jones.


“ I didn’t choose a financial career, it definitely chose me,'' Ajee explained to me when I asked her how she ended up in the field. After getting her B.S in Public Health from Michigan State University and her Master degree in Health Administration from Wayne State University,  Ajee, mom of 1 has decided to be a first generation entrepreneur, business owner and non-profit leader.  

Although she started her financial career in 2018 with establishing her non-profit Real Money Moves Inc. she is no stranger to financial literacy. Ajee told me that her mom taught her financial literacy at a young age . Her mom would have her follow the 50/30/20 rule where she would have to give her mom 30% of her allowance and her mom also pushed her to get a free education (that ultimately helped her during college and after but she worked throughout school as well). After she graduated from Michigan State University, she moved back home to pursue a career with public health. She took a job unrelated to her field, ultimately leaving 7 months later to pursue her Master’s Degree.  Because she made it a priority to  save throughout her undergraduate experience, she was able to manage through life while supporting herself throughout her Master’s program. 

After hosting her first workshop that hosted over 60 people her financial career “took off after that”.  As previously mentioned In 2018, Ajee founded the nonprofit organization Real Money Moves Inc.  She noticed the lack of resources and professional development within the financial field available for the youth of Detroit. Real Money Moves Inc. is on a mission to connect with young adults through mentorship and peer relationships to build connections through personal development . Creating a networking system that supports financial freedom and investing. Real Money Moves Inc. hosts interactive workshops for the youth and adults that promotes discussion on real estate, credit, and financial goals.


Her business Real Financial Solutions LLC. is committed to helping individuals identify and understand what drives their decisions around money. While also educating

individuals on resources and knowledge that can be used to expand their

business or organizations. Ajee fervently believes that exploring your personal

relationship with money is the key to living a fully desire-driven, and

empowered life. 


How do you feel about financial illiteracy in the black community?

 During grad school a specific statistic stuck with her regarding the racial wealth gap in America; In 2019 the median white household hels $188,200 in wealth, which is 7.8 times that of the typical Black household $24,100. She believes this is primarily because of “lack of knowledge” offered to our community directly focused on financial literacy. “We don’t talk about money much within the black community and that sometimes causes ignorance around how to invest and grow our money for our families, and future”.  

Ajee is doing her part through offering a financial literacy elective course for students ages  6th-12th grade. She has also taught classes offered to college students as well, to prepare for post-graduate life. She said that her students truly enjoy and are excited about how to invest their money, learning stocks, and learning how to open bank accounts before even turning 18. 

 One of the biggest challenges in teaching financial literacy in the black community is the fight against those that portray themselves as “influencers” in the financial field, but are not  educating our community first.  Most clients are scared to share their financial struggles and make the necessary changes to achieve financial freedom. Financial freedom is not an overnight process, and sharing that it takes time to achieve sometimes defer our community from making the first step of starting. 

Although it's an uphill battle, Ajee’ is “excited to see how we(the black community) grow in this space”; the pandemic is causing a big separation in the wealth gap. We need to understand the power of growing our money, and learn patience with investing. In our community we need to have more healthy conversations surrounding money.


What would you say are the keys to financial literacy? 

The key components of financial literacy are learning how to  earn, save, invest, and spend wisely.  Another key component to financial literacy is learning how to protect your money and how to borrow money responsibly in order to increase your cash flow. 


What do you feel is the best part of motherhood?

“Best part of motherhood is watching my daughter flourish into her own person. It’s a beautiful and interesting journey watching her personality, and interest in different things grow.  Every seed of knowledge  you sow  into  your children multiples 10x fold, and I’m blessed and thankful God has allowed me to witness the seeds I have planted into my daughter grow and manifest! 

What’s the biggest lesson you believe motherhood has taught you so far?

 Sacrifice! Learning the true definition of sacrifice, it’s a lifelong sacrifice that you make for your child, even when they grow older you both always share that commonality. Our job as parents is to always make our children feel loved.  But throughout this journey I have learned that sacrifice is a good thing, and you will always do whatever is necessary to put our children in a better position. I’m also learning to prepare for my daughter's future early. She was blessed to start her investing journey with her stock and crypto portfolio at the age of 1. My goal is to always put her in the best position possible. 

What does being a mom first mean to you?

It's a lifestyle! No matter what way we put it “you're always a mom first”. Once again, it’s a selfless, patient, kind, an indescribable love you have for your children. You always want better for your child, and it's about inspiring them to always be themselves and learn throughout their own life journey. As mothers we are also empowered to always lead by example to pursue your goals and dreams wholeheartedly. There is no way to be the perfect mother, but there are a million ways to be a great one!  

How can people reach you for your services:

Personal Instagram page: ajeej 

Real Financial Solutions Instagram page  : rfsolutionsco

Business website:

Real Money Moves Inc. Instagram page: realmoneymoves_detroit 



























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